About the union |
Association is managed by general meeting of Association members (superior body), Board of Directors (collective executive body) and Director General (sole executive body) under the confirmed Charter of Noncommercial Organization. Chairman of the Board of Directors – Association President is elected for 5 years from members of the Board of Directors by majority vote of general number of Association members taken part in this vote of general meeting of Association members. Director General of Association is elected for 5 years term by general meeting of Association members by majority vote of Association members participated in the general meeting of Association members.
Press secretary of Association - Osichkina Elena Borisovna
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation called further "Ministry", in the name of deputy minister Slepneva Andrey Aleksandrovicha operating on the basis of Position about the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation from June, 12th, 2008 № 450 and power of attorney from March, 31st, 2008 № 14-8/137, on the one hand, and Noncommercial organisation «National union of sheep breeders», called further the Union, in the name of general director Egorov Michael Vasilevicha operating on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, further called "Parties", operating within the limits of the competence, have entered into the Agreement as follows.
2. Agreement 2.1 subject. The parties carry out the cooperation directed on realisation of positions of the Government program. 2.2. The agreement does not limit cooperation of the Ministry with other organisations and does not pursue the aim of restriction of their activity. 3. Duties of the Parties 3.1. With a view of realisation of the Agreement of the Party: 3.1.1. Communicate on the questions provided by the Agreement. 3.1.2. Carry out mutual consultations, joint working meetings, seminars, «round tables» and other actions with a view of development of offers on the problems representing mutual interest. 3.1.4. Take part in working out of projects of standard legal certificates, target programs, the national report on a course and results of realisation of the Government program. 3.1.5. Spend generalisation and distribution of achievements of science and technology, the Russian and foreign innovative experience in sphere of development of sheep breeding, preservation and maintenance of a genofund of animals. 3.1.6. Take part in reforming of system of the standardization spent by public authorities in agriculture by the organisation of mechanisms of working out and introduction of national standards, unified according to the international standards, high technologies providing application, methods of rational use of resources, and also technical and information compatibility. 3.1.7. Carry out assistance to introduction of control systems of quality of production on the basis of the international standards, complex programs of improvement of quality of production, and also to an exchange of the best practices, including carrying out of competitions, reviews, exhibitions concerning maintenance of quality of production. 3.2.1. Brings to the notice of the Union the information, concerning the Agreement subject. Gives by inquiries of the Union available statistical and other information on a conjuncture of the markets of agricultural raw materials and the foodstuffs, and also about achievements in sphere of scientific workings out and experience in sheep breeding development; 3.2.2. In case of need gets representatives of the Union to take part in work of the commissions, advisory-expert and working groups, организуемых the Ministry of consideration of the questions concerning a subject of the Agreement, and preparation of corresponding standard legal certificates, target programs, the national report on a course and results of realisation of the Government program; 3.2.3. Takes part in организуемых the Union discussions of actual problems of branch of sheep breeding (including concerning scientific researches in selection, deducing of new breeds of sheep meat and шерстной efficiency, improvement of meat qualities, etc.) And ways of its further perfection; 3.2.4. With a view of information reception involves the Union at carrying out of generalisation and distribution of achievements of a science, selection, technologies, marketing of branch, the Russian and foreign innovative experience in sphere of development of sheep breeding, preservation and maintenance of a genofund of animals; 3.2.5. Within the limits of powers, assists the Union in the decision of the questions demanding acceptance of measures by federal enforcement authorities. Takes part in reforming of system of the standardization spent by public authorities, getting the Union to take part, with a view of reception of the necessary information; 3.2.6. Notifies and gets the Union to take part in spent All-Russia and branch auctions, competitions, reviews, exhibitions concerning maintenance of quality of production, introduction of control systems by quality of production on the basis of the international standards, complex programs of improvement of quality of production, and also an exchange of the best practices. 3.2.8. Considers offers of the Union concerning the organisation of training, preparation and retraining of professional shots in sheep breeding branch; 3.2.9. Considers Union offers at distribution of the resources allocated within the limits of realisation of the Government program, including to research and developmental works; 3.2.10. Considers Union offers at formation of subjects of research works and methodical workings out in sheep breeding sphere; 3.2.11. Involves the Union for preparation of offers on formation and resource maintenance of the state agrarian policy in the field of sheep breeding. 3.3. The union: 3.3.1. Represents to the Ministry the information on the questions representing mutual interest, and making the Agreement subject; 3.3.2. When due hereunder takes part in work of the commissions, advisory-expert and working groups, организуемых the Ministry of consideration of the questions concerning a subject of the Agreement. Represents to the Ministry the information and offers concerning harmonisation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in sphere of rendering of services with a view of population maintenance with the Russian articles of food, the industry agricultural raw materials and assistance to a sustainable development of territories of rural settlements and corresponding межселенных territories, elimination of discrimination restrictions and access expansion on the markets; 3.3.3. On a periodic basis with participation of representatives of the Ministry will organise discussion of actual problems of sheep breeding (including concerning scientific researches in selection, deducing of new breeds of sheep meat and шерстной efficiency, improvements of meat qualities, perfection of technologies of branch, etc.) Practice of application of the legislation of the Russian Federation and ways of its further perfection; 3.3.5. Informs the Ministry on arising problems including on export-import of production of the sheep breeding, corresponding decisions demanding acceptance by federal enforcement authorities, represents to the Ministry the information concerning work of the Union within the limits of Agreement execution. Represents the necessary information for formation and realisation of the state agrarian policy in the field of sheep breeding, and also the offer on reforming of system of standardization to branches; 3.3.6. Assists in preparation and realisation of the actions spent by the Ministry, including by direct participation in auctions spent by the Ministry, competitions, reviews, exhibitions; 3.3.7. Participates in preparation of offers on the state support of sheep breeding, and also concerning distribution of grants for development of the branch, allocated within the limits of the Government program, with a view of their most effective use; 3.3.8. Makes offers and participates in the organisation of training, preparation and retraining of professional shots in branch of sheep breeding on the basis of scientific research institute and leading sheep-breeding economy of the country; 3.3.9. Makes offers on subjects of research works, preparation of instructions and methodical workings out in sheep breeding sphere, including concerning manufacture of high-quality breeding production, to stimulation of selektsionno-breeding work. 3.3.10. Participates in working out of offers on distribution of the resources allocated within the limits of realisation of the Government program, including to research and developmental works; 3.3.11. Takes part in the decision of questions on formation and resource maintenance of the state agrarian policy in the field of sheep breeding; 4.1 period of validity. The agreement consists for a period of 5 (five) years and comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties. 4.2. The agreement can be terminated ahead of schedule unilaterally after the preliminary notice in writing of other party 15 (fifteen) working days prior to prospective date of cancellation of the Agreement. 5. Special positions 5.1. The agreement does not impose any financial obligations on its Parties. 6. Final provisions 6.1. Change of conditions of the Agreement, addition, cancellation and the termination of its action are carried out under the written agreement of the Parties by an exchange of letters, telegrammes and the different ways allowing authentically to establish of the sender and the addressee of the corresponding notice. 6.2. Any of the Parties has not the right to transfer the rights and the obligations following from the Agreement, except assignment cases, to the third parties without the written approval of other Party. 6.3. The agreement is made in two original copies having an identical validity, on one for each of the Parties. 7. Legal addresses and signatures of the parties the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Deputy minister A. A.Slepnyov
General director M.V.Egorov |