The exhibition has ended
    Today in Chita the work of the XIII Siberian-Far East exhibition of breeding sheep and goats has been summed up. For four days its members have been anticipating the results, presenting the best animals to the expert committee. This year the exhibition was attended by 35 stud farms from six regions of the Russian Federation – Republics of Khakassia, Tyva, Buryatia, Altai, and the Altai and Transbaikalian Regions, which brought 11 breeds of sheep and 2 breeds of goats, just over three hundred heads. 
The prize of the Minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation, the car "UAZ-Hunter" passed to OOO "Komsomolets" of Chernyshevsky area of the Transbaikalian Region. The prize of the Governor of the Zabaykalsky Region "Lada - Granta" went to stud farm “Dogoy” of the Mogoytuysky district.
    Second degree diplomas in the industry of sheep breeding were given to OOO "Katanda" (Altai) and “Malchyn” (Tyva). Third place went to OOO “Garel” (Zabaykalsky Region), OOO “Mayak” (Altai Region), OOO "Mustang" (Khakassia) and SPK “Bayan-Gol” (Buryatia).
     The leaders in goat farming have become SPK “Orug" (Tyva) and SPK “Ortolyk" (Altai).

     This year, the exhibition has marked the 60th anniversary since the establishment of the Transbaikal fine-wool breed of sheep. In honor of the anniversary, The Walk of Fame with portraits of the authors of the breed and those who are now making a significant contribution to the development of this industry was opened.
    The event was attended by acting Governor of Transbaikalian Region Natalya Zhdanova and Director of Cattle Breeding and Stud work Department of Ministry of agriculture Kharon Amerkhanov.
During the exhibition workshops on the evaluation of sheep and wool classing were held.
The best result in sheep shearing showed: Zorikto Galsanov of Buryatia (3 min 3 sec), the sheep shearer from Tyva, Baljinima Sambuev of SPK “Rassvet” (3 min 52 sec).
    In total, the competition of shearers was attended by 12 people, including two women. The best time showed Soijit Tumurova of OOO “Garel” (Mogoytuysky district), 4 min 24 sec.

The Ministry of agriculture and food of Zabaikalsky Region
09 June 2016

Pleased with the Result
           Heads of departments of marketing and science, technology policy and selection of NASB V. N. Serdyukov and A. I. Surov, from May, 31 – June, 1 had a detour of 6 farms of the Stavropol region involved in the project of creating a new animal meat and wool direction in merino sheep breeding. In the process of the detour, sheep livestock of the desired type was viewed; also the results of dam lambing and sheep shearing different age groups were studied. Within business communication with the specialists of the farms, some priority issues of further improvement of the sheep and the prospects for mutually beneficial exchange of genetic material between the sub-farms were discussed. Specialists of the NASB were pleased with the results of the working visit to the farms and the course of works on allocation of animals of desirable quality and increase the number of sheep in meat merino type.
A Meeting of sheep breeders
On May 25, 2016 in the meeting room of the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia there held a meeting on "Strategy of development of sheep breeding in modern conditions". The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Deputy heads of agribusiness, representatives of municipal authorities, heads of agricultural enterprises-members of the National Association of sheep breeders and processing enterprises and scientists. 
Director General of the National Association of sheep breeders Egorov M. V made a report on the outcome of the 2015 sheep and goat breeding, prospects of development of the sector for 2016 and subsequent years. He, in particular, noted that the number of livestock of sheep and goats in the Russian Federation at the moment is 24 million 881 thousand heads, which is 170 thousand heads higher than the level of last year. 
The first five of the population of the regions in Russia lined up as follows: 
1. The Republic of Dagestan – 5 million 306 thousand heads; 
2. The Republic of Kalmykia – 2 million 415 thousand heads; 
3. Stavropol Krai – 2 million 277 thousand heads; 
4. Astrakhan oblast – 1 million 462,3 million heads; 
5. The Karachay-Cherkess Republic – 1 million 308 thousand heads. 
Special attention was paid to the production and sale of fine and semi-fine wool, because it is one of the directions of the state support of agricultural production. 
This year, as stressed by the reporter, the government intends to allocate 147 million rubles from the Federal budget to subsidize fine and semi-fine wool. According to M. V. Egorov, only cooperating closely the National Association of sheep breeders and the Ministry of agriculture of Russia will be able, on the one hand, to support the producers of wool, on the other hand, stimulate production, and thus provide the domestic light industry with raw materials. 
M. V. Egorov, in particular, suggested:
1. To initiate a proposal to the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation about inclusion in the Strategy of development of light and textile industry in 2020 "The needs of domestic processing enterprises in wool raw material " for possible planning of production and sales of wool. 
2. To develop a clear mechanism for granting state support to agricultural producers through the signing of Agreements between the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 
3. To provide in the current year the allocation of 180 million rubles for establishment of 3 breeding wool testing laboratories. 
4. In order to minimize arguable points it’s necessary to enter the required presence of representatives of the farms at the processing plant during the receiving of wool. 
5. To prevent the consolidation of the figures for grants because there are concerns that subsidies under the state program simply dissolve in the more voluminous areas and we will receive neither subsidies nor wool.
In his report, he spoke about the production of lamb, which is demanded on the market. He noted the positive experience in construction of meat processing plants in the republics of Dagestan and Kalmykia; said that the well-known Russian companies, producing other types of meat and poultry have shown interest in the production of lamb. 
M. V. Egorov said that in the current year it is expected an approval of the new breeding achievements in sheep breeding, which will be the breed of sheep in meat merino type. This new breed will be suitable for cultivation for those agricultural producers who want to implement both wool and lamb. 
After the meeting, Head of Cattle breeding and stud work Department of Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, K. A. Amerkhanov awarded the best workers of the industry with letters of gratitude and Diplomas of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation. 
Then there was the Annual General meeting of the members of the National Association of sheep breeders, where the Association welcomed new members from Adygea, Kalmykia, Stavropol territory and Transbaikal.

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