Итоги аукциона в СПК племзавод «Восток» |
26 апреля 2016 года в СПК племзавод «Восток» Степновского района Ставропольского края прошёл аукцион по продаже племенных баранов. На аукцион были представлены 25 баранов 2015 года рождения и 5 баранов 2014 года рождения, трёх линий наиболее ценных в условиях экономики хозяйства: 62075 – линия высокой скороспелости, 72624 – линия крупной величины, 0273 – линия высокого настрига. На аукционе было продано 4 барана 2014 г/р. живым весом от 98кг. до 106кг., 9 баранов 2015 г/р. от 76кг. до 86кг. Стоимость баранов 2014 г/р. составила от 24500 руб. до 26500 руб., стоимость баранов 2015 г/р. – от 19000 руб. до 21500 руб. Надо отметить то, что 4 барана 2014 г/р. и 6 баранов 2015 г/р. были куплены представителем КФХ Кировского района Ставропольского края и 3 барана 2015 г/р. разных линий куплены племзаводом «Аксарайский» Красноярского района Астраханской области. Во время аукциона участникам были показаны выставочные животные селекционно-генетического центра СПК племзавод «Восток».
On April, 22 there was the first in this year auction in the Kolkhoz-stud farm “Manych”, Stavropol region. The representatives of NASB Vasily Serdyukov and Alexander Surov visited this event. Animals of 2 categories – fine (fineness of wool – 20-22 microns) and superfine (fineness – up to 20 microns) were represented. 10 ram hogs of 20 exhibited were sold. Cost of one head began from 15 000 rubles (about 230 USD). 7 heads of animals were bought by peasant farm enterprise for the future improvement of their own flock. And 3 ram hogs will be sent to the Izobilny region, Stavropol Territory. Unfortunately only the representatives from Stavropol Territory participated the event. The visitors marked high level of the presented animals and place of the auction.
The wintering period on the territory of the Republic of Tuva is under the special control of the deputy Prime Minister Sergey Ondar and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. While the weather in the capital of the Republic – Kyzyl – set rather warm, in the most part of the region snow cover remains. According to the specialists of regional Emergencies Ministry it’s necessary to prepare for the coming period of river flood. All together 75 sheep stations are situated in the zone of flooding. The Ministry also controls the situation of vegetation burnings. Meanwhile the lambing campaign continues in the region. Today the yield of calves is 10 thousand heads. The farms all over the Republic need the help of shepherds. So, about 200 people were got for the seasonal works. According to the information of agricultural departments of the regions over 1300 heads of cattle, 4000 heads of small cattle and 480 heads of horses are sent for slaughter. It’s about 0.6% of the total livestock. The mortality of cattle is about 3000 of heads (0.3%). According to the zootehnic rates mortality of livestock can be 3%. Today the specialists also count the remains of forage in the Republic. So, for today there is over 16 000 tones of rough feed. |
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