объявление о продаже поголовья

ООО "Белозерное" Сальского района Ростовской области предлагает к реализации поголовье овец сальской породы, в том числе:

Баранчики 2016 г. - 1000 голов - 120 руб./кг , вес - 15-20 кг.

Ярки 2016 г. -            1000 голов - 150 руб./кг,  вес - 15-20 кг.

Баранчики 2015 г.    200 голов  - 110 руб./кг,   вес - 60-70 кг.

Телефон (зоотехнический отдел):  (86372) 4-14-22. 

The Conference In February
     On the 16th of February 2016 National Association of Sheep Breeders together with Russian Science-Research Institution Of Sheep And Goats-Breeding organized the conference on the theme: “The results of 2015 in sheep and goats breeding sphere, prospects of the branch developing for 2016 and the following years according to the tasks of the State program of the development of Russian agricultural sphere” and the round-table “Prospects of the development of sheep breeding with account of the demand for the raw wool of Russian light and textile industry and import substitution”.
    The heads of the stud-farms, the members of NASB, from 12 regions of Russian Federation, which produce more than 95% of the native wool took part in the event. The heads and the deputy directors of the regional agencies of the agro-industrial complexes took the lead of the delegations.
     The representatives of 6 Russian enterprises of the light industry headed by the director of the Department of development of domestic trade, light industry and consumer’s market of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade E.V.Ryzhov visited the conference.
    The chief of the branch of the livestock breeding developing of the Department of Livestock Breeding of the Federal Ministry I.M.Baglay participated the meeting.
   Director General of NASB Mikhail Egorov gave a report on the conference. He characterized the situation in the branch, where the amount of the livestock to the beginning of the year is 24,53 thousand of heads (it is up to 183 thousand of heads less than last year). 
    The main producers of the high-quality wool today are the agricultural enterprises. Since 2015 the developing of the wool-producing branch was included into the State program of the developing of agricultural sector in 2013-2020. Only stud farms of the Stavropol region felt the visible support in this direction, while money for co-financing was included into the budget in time.
According to the information given by the presidential control directorate today Russian agricultural industry provides only 20% of the demand of the enterprises of light industry. Enterprises use about 20 000 tones of wool, the biggest part of which is imported from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Germany. So, for example, in 2014 there were imported 7.1 thousand tones of fine wool. 
    It’s also mentioned in the document that there is no modern wool testing laboratory accredit by the IWTO, which is necessary for wool testing.
   NASB offered a scheme of funding according to which the agricultural enterprises with high-quality livestock of fine-wool and semi-fine wool sheep working on getting of big batches of similar wool, which have qualified classers, shearers, graders and have a potential to increase the livestock and continue the developing of the branch could get the support and subsidies from the government. By the way this proposal hasn’t been supported, the original amount of grant was reduced by 100 million of rubles (approx.1 300 000 USD), and now it’s 53.5 mln of rubles (approx. 692 000 000 USD). 
Mr. Egorov also pay attention of the representatives of processing enterprises that the Chinese wool purchasers are actively working on the territory of Russian Federation. So, in the Siberian Federal District they offer 200 rubles (2.6 USD) per kilo of wool to the producers.
    The event also visited: the chief of the branch of the livestock breeding developing of the Department of Livestock Breeding of the Federal Ministry I.M.Baglay, the first deputy prime-minister of Stavropol krai N.T. Velikdan’, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kalmykia B.K. Bolayev, the first deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai A. Rudenko, the first deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tyva D.V. Dolgopolov, the first deputy Minister of Agriculture of Zabaykalsky Krai V.G. Loskutnikov, the first deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Altai V.V. Takhanov.
     The conversation began on the meeting was continued on the roundtable discussion.
    As the deputy Chairman of the Committee of wool processing industry of Russian employers’ association of light and textile industry A.V. Aldushina mentioned that in 2015 13 factories processed 3600 tones of fine wool, 1355 tones of semi-fine wool and 1741 tones of medium wool in clean fleece. Moreover the enterprise “Kvest-A” processed 2170 tones of wool in actual weight. To make good the deficit of raw wool the processors bought 600 tons of Argentinean tops last year. 
At the same time the processors could give the exact value and quality of wool they need in 2016 and the following years. 
    His point of view also gave the deputy Director of the Department of development of domestic trade, light industry and consumer’s market of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade E.V.Ryzhov. He said that producers of agricultural sector need support of producing of fine and semi-fine wool, but only those which deliver the raw wool to the native processors. He also repeated the idea of the representative of Bryansk worsted plant that it’s necessary to attach each wool-producing farm to the processors. This idea is not popular among the producers.
    All the members of the roundtable discussion think that event held by NASB was very helpful and suitable. It’s very important that the opposite sides have heard each other and are ready to find the ways of cooperation. 
    The materials of the meeting will be published in the Bulletin of the National Association of Sheep Breeders № 11.

Within import substitution
     In the Botlikh area the construction of the Dagestan's first craft on mutton processing is complete. The project is constructed within realization of the first stage of the investment project of LLC Agrodagitaliya.
       Construction of craft with estimated capacity of 500 heads per day began on August 25 the current year. Now 50 people work at the enterprise. The object is equipped with the modern equipment from Russia, Germany and Italy, already now it lets out the cooled semi-finished products of all types.
   Next in turn is construction of slaughterhouse which will allow to use full capacity of the enterprise and to provide processing of meat from four nearby areas: Akhvakhsky, Botlikh, Gumbetovsky and Tsumadinsky where more than 500 thousand heads of a small cattle are concentrated, and the annual slaughter makes 200-250 thousand heads.
Construction of the slaughterhouse is planned to finish in August next year. The total cost of the project if 150 million rubles (about US$2,5 million). 
     On December 10 Deputy minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Dagestan Shamil Bakharchiev visited the enterprise. He examined work of the craft, talked to the leaders, employees.
Within the meeting it became known that the processed mutton and lamb will cost much cheaper than meat from abroad.
According to the Agricultural ministry of the Republic of Dagestan within the import substitution there are a list of measures on saturation of regional market of the country with high quality products from Dagestan which includes the sphere of meat processing.

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