National Association of Sheep Breeders took part at the 17th Russian Agricultural Exhibition “Golden Autumn”. 28 stud-farms from 12 regions of the Russian Federation presented 19 breeds of sheep. Selective-genetic centers and the leading farms of Russia demonstrated different directions of productivity in sheep breeding branch. Two selective-genetic centers Kolkhoz-stud farm “Manych”, APC “Stud farm Vtoraya Pyatiletka” and stud farm “Rodina” demonstrated the rams of new prospective direction – in the type of meat merinos, along with pure breed animals. Russia left a little bit alone in breeding of meat merinos from other sheep breeding countries, from Australia for example. But during last few years we’ve been paying this direction special attention. Led by NASB six farms of Stavropol region work on increasing of the amount of sheep in the type of meat merino. The results of their work are regularly showed on Russian exhibitions during last few years. APC Stud farm “Vostok” from the Stavropol region brought the most popular breed of meat wool production – North-Caucasus meat-wool breed. The Edilbay breed, which is very popular among small farmers, was exhibited by the farm “Volgograd-Edilbay”. The participants from the Republic of Kalmykia were stud farm “Chernozemelsky”, APC named by Gagarin, “Stavropolsky” – the main producers of fine merino wool, which have 50000-100000 and more tons of wool annually. Mountain sheep breeding takes a special place in Russian sheep breeding. It’s presented in the Republics of North Caucasus. In the Republic of Dagestan there are reared such native breeds as Tushinskaya, Andijskaya, Lezgin breeds, and Dagestan mountain breed (it was made especially for hard mountain conditions). Four stud farms from the Republic participated in the Exhibition. There are too little meat breeds of sheep, that’s why Texel from Agro-industrial complex “Aleksandrovskoye” from Voronezh oblast is very popular among the farmers. The participants and visitors had a possibility not only to discuss purchasing of young rams but also to buy pure wool ware. The participants of the Exhibition brought also such breeds as Volgograd and Romanov. So, the last one is often used for crossbreeding. The exposition of NASB widens year on year. Only here we can see such breeds as Kalmyk sheep and Orenburg wool goat, Texel and Caracul together. These animals live in very different climatic conditions. And the Exhibition is a possibility to show the best results of the branch, its prospects. During the event there was a seminar on the theme “Priorities in the development of native sheep and goats breeding, producing of the competitive on internal and external market products”. The participants were the heads and specialists of agricultural enterprises, scientists. So Mikhail Egorov, the Director General of NASB mentioned that economic sanctions made some difficulties for the native sheep breeding. Among them is question of purchasing of high quality breeding rams from Australia, for example. But at the same time all the members of Russian agricultural complex take part today in solving the tasks of import substitution. Nowadays Russian farmers feel the increasing demand on wool. The next issue is to replace the “foreign” lamb in the supermarkets and shops. And in this case we’re talking about the high quality lamb graded cuts, which will interest for the retail chains and restaurants. In the award “For the achievement of high rates in development of livestock and commercial breeding”, such characteristics as wool cut, yield of offspring, average daily gain, cost of production were considered. According to the results of this award all the participants got the First place Diploma and Golden medals. National Association of Sheep Breeders also received the high marks of its work.